He missed flying three times, but he became more and more frustrated and wanted to leave his footprint in the China Space Station.

  CCTV News:Deng Qingming is one of the first astronauts selected and trained in China. He has been selected into the echelon of Shenzhou 9, Shenzhou 10 and Shenzhou 11 as a backup astronaut. Although he hasn’t realized his dream of flying, he has been studying and training year after year for 20 years, hoping to leave his footprints at a new height of China’s space flight in the new era.

  中国人民解放军航天员大队一级航天员 邓清明: "Turning the chair for 15 minutes does not mean turning the head for 15 minutes, but moving the head, moving back and forth, and two accelerations. This acceleration is very exciting to people. We can persist for 15 minutes, but most people can’t. There is also bed rest, head down, feet up six degrees for a week, eating and drinking Lazar are all on it, and the head is congested. Think about it, after six days of training, the height of people has increased by 2 to 3 centimeters. "

  In 1996, the manned spaceflight project selected the first astronauts in the Air Force. After a comprehensive assessment, Deng Qingming, together with 13 other pilots, became the first astronauts of the China People’s Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade on January 5, 1998. Since that day, Deng Qingming, like other astronauts, has completed the study and training of hundreds of subjects in eight categories and has the ability to independently carry out manned space missions.

  中国人民解放军航天员大队一级航天员 邓清明: "It’s thousands of trainings, and it’s like this step by step. Why are you so persistent? By what force? It is loyalty and mission, that is, you have a kind of responsibility that is as heavy as the sky and the responsibility is as heavy as the mountain, otherwise you can’t persist. "

  Strict and hard training allowed Deng Qingming to be selected as a backup astronaut in the crew of Shenzhou 9, Shenzhou 10 and Shenzhou 11. The most impressive thing is that he and his comrades stayed in the ground simulation cabin for 33 days while preparing for the Shenzhou XI mission.

  中国人民解放军航天员大队一级航天员 邓清明: "The ground verification one-to-one verification experiment simulation cabin is very narrow and completely closed in such a small space. It is locked outside and can’t get out. It can’t get out inside. Go to the toilet inside, can’t take a shower, no WIFI, no communication, no one comes to see you. "

  Deng Qingming once again missed the opportunity when he announced the formation of an echelon before the launch of Shenzhou XI.

  中国人民解放军航天员大队一级航天员 邓清明: "I couldn’t say it in a thousand words at that time. Haipeng happened to be sitting next to me. I turned around and stood up and hugged Haipeng and said a word. Haipeng congratulated you. I was in tears."

  中国人民解放军航天员大队特级航天员 景海鹏:“抱的时间很长,我也深情的对邓清明说,我说兄弟啊,谢谢你,我用右手拍拍他的肩膀。”


  中国人民解放军航天员大队一级航天员 邓清明:“你可能也知道古话讲叫独行快,众行远,按照解释完了就是一个人走的快,大家才能走的远,载人航天也是如此。个人的得失真的微不足道,我觉得只有大家一起努力,把这个事情完成好,让航天员、让我的兄弟、我的战友,我的海鹏和陈冬安全的回来,这就是一种幸福,也是一种成功。”


  中国人民解放军航天员大队一级航天员 邓清明:“习主席讲了探索浩瀚宇宙,发展航天事业,建设航天强国,这是中华民族不懈的航天梦,这是全国人们的梦,也是我个人的梦,也是我家人的梦。希望在中国载人航天的新高度能够留下自己的足迹,展现我们中国航天员的风采。”